Writing Task 1: Writing an Email

Read the following information.

You recently made an online purchase and the product was not the same as the description on the website.

Write an email to the website support department in about 150-200 words. Your email should do the following things:

  • What you purchased and when.
  • Exactly how it is different from the website description.
  • How you would like the company to fix the problem.

Hi Manager, I am writing in regards to something I bought from your website on 20th May, 2020. I purchased a wedding veil, which was on sale for $20. I was very excited that I could get a veil for that price, but unfortunately, I was not satisfied with it when I receive it this Wednesday. The veil was white on your website, which I thought at that time. It will match perfectly with my white wedding gown; however, the veil was off-white when I got it. From your website, I have one week to return a delivered item. However, this return option does not include sale items. I hope you will make this an exception as this mistake was from your store. I will return this veil as soon as possible in exchange for a white veil if you have one available. Otherwise, I would like to get a refund. I hope to hear from you soon. Thank you, Tina