Writing Task 1: Writing an Email

Read the following information.

You are a resident of a large colony. You found a gold chain in the colony compound. You are willing to find the owner of the chain and therefore want the help of the authority.

Write an email to the Manager of the colony in about 150-200 words. Your email should do the following things:

  • Give a description of the chain and the place where you found it.
  • Ask help from the Secretary of the colony in tracing the owner

Dear Sir, I am a resident at #344 of the New Lake colony. I am writing this email to find the owner of a gold chain I found yesterday evening in the colony compound. Yesterday evening, I was walking in the compound area with my friends. Suddenly I found a gold chain with a locket in it. I thought it was just an artificial chain, but my friend told me that we must check it. So I picked the chain, and in the locket, there was a heart with the initials AV, and it was genuine gold. It is a girlish chain with a link bar style. I tried to find the owner of the chain. I asked few people in the compound, and I called my friends too to know something about it. But, haplessly I was not able to found the owner. I have strong Intuition that the owner will come into the compound to search it. Therefore, I request you to look into this matter and resolve this problem. Swift action to resolve this issue is highly appreciated. Thank you! Kind Regards, Tony