Writing Task 1: Writing an Email

Read the following information.

On a recent holiday, you forgot a valuable item in the hotel you stayed.

Write a letter to the manager of the hotel in about 150-200 words. Your email should do the following things:

  • Describe the item you lost.
  • when you left the hotel.
  • What you would like the hotel to do for you.

Dear manager, I am writing to inform you about the luggage that I lost in room #20 during my last visit to the Hollyday hotel on September 23. My name is Mark, and I checked in the hotel on September 23. I stayed in the hotel for seven days and six nights and service I received was marvellous, indeed. I checked out on September 30. During my check out, I was in a hurry, that is why I forgot my bag in the room. That bag contains my apple mac book, a couple of suits, two shoes, my grandpa and my grandmom picture, and a piece of ID. Those things are precious for me as I am financially and emotionally attached to those. That apple laptop cost me an arm and a leg. I want to request you to resolve my issue by helping me in finding it and sending it to me. Do not worry about the charges of shipping. You can deduct from the same credit card from I paid hotel charges. If you want to ask anything, feel free to call me on 123456789 my number or email me on M011111@gmail.com. I look forward to see your response as earlier possible so. Regards, Mark