Writing Task 1: Writing an Email

Read the following information.

You had recently ordered a book, online from a bookseller. The book sent by him was not the latest edition, even though you had paid the money according to the latest edited version.

Write an email to the bookseller in about 150-200 words. Your email should do the following things:

  • Complain about the service of the online site
  • State about the urgency for the latest edition

Dear Amazon team, My name is Felix, and I am a consistent clientele of your online merchandise with client number #550. Please consider this mail as an expression of dissatisfaction and lament about my recent procurement with Amazon, where the handed over product was not the same as displayed on the Website. As a vivid reader and enthusiast, I have participated in your annual book sale and ordered a book Value investing on 26th April. However, I have secured the shipment on 28th May and to my surprise article received was not the latest edition despite a payment for the latest version as it presented on the Website and ordered. And despite telling this to a delivery boy in turn, he misbehaved, which leaves me dissatisfied with haulage. I ordered this book for my kid as a gift for his birthday. I request the team to please look into the issue on priority and deliver me the latest version before his birthday on 5th May. I hope you will help me to make a smile on his face. Along with mail, please find the pinion representation of receipt and invoice. Yours sincerely, Felix.