Writing Task 1: Writing an Email

Read the following information.

You recently made reservations for dinner at a very famous and expensive restaurant in town. However, the meal and the service were terrible. The restaurant manager was not available to solve the problem, so you left without a resolution.

Write an email to the restaurant's manager in about 150-200 words. Your email should do the following things:

  • State what problems you had with the food you ordered.
  • Complain about the service.
  • Describe how you want the restaurant to resolve the problem to your satisfaction.

Hi Manager, I am writing this email regarding our last visit to the Midway Restaurant during our family dinner last Friday, July 5, 2020. We are very much disappointed with the service provided and would like to bring it to your attention. We made our reservation for 6:30 PM but has been asked to wait for 15 minutes with no place to sit. Kids Pizza on the menu is quite different from what's been served, and my kids did not feel that tasty enough. Also, my wife had to wait almost 30 minutes to get her Fried Rice to be served. We know this is one of the busiest restaurants in the heart of town with a considerable reputation, but unfortunately, it turned out very unpleasant. I am sorry to say that you would need to improve the hospitality and service. It was one of our favourites, and I personally have a long bonding. I hope you take our feedback seriously and make the necessary changes to keep up its legacy. Appreciate your prompt attention to this matter. Regards Felix