Writing Task 1: Writing an Email

Read the following information.

Recently you visited the Zoological park and had an uncanny experience, as a man died by falling in the tiger’s enclosure. You were not able to do anything at that point but wanted to show your concern for the safety of the visitors.

Write an email to the Director of the Zoological Park in about 150-200 words. Your email should do the following things:

  • Give a description of the incident
  • Complain about the short fencing
  • Show your concern for the safety of the visitors

Dear Zoo Manager, I want to share our unfortunate experience at the zoo on Tuesday. It was the very terrible incident I have ever witnessed. As you may know, the incident happened on May 25 around the afternoon. My son and I were browsing around to take a picture of the aminals. Once we arrived near the Siberian tiger cage, we saw a man who was approximately 50 years old, trying to touch the tiger's head. Then we realized that he fell from the fence. People, including me, were trying to rescue the man desperately; however, it was too late. There were a couple of things you might focus on to prevent similar accidents in the future. Initially, the fences are too short to keep people safe. Additionally, there was not any notice to warn people regarding distance from the wild animal. Youngsters and children make up most of your visitors. There is a lack of safety materials around the zoo to protect them. I have been living this distinct since 2010 and haven't experienced this before. Thus I don't feel safe anymore. As a suggestion, I would like to see taller fences around the cages. And putting more warning signs besides dangerous animal would be beneficial for your visitors. Best Regards, Mark