Writing Task 2: Responding to Survey Questions

Read the following information.

You live in a small town of 10,000 people. A large green area in the centre of town is undeveloped. The city has sent out an opinion survey to see what residents would like to have built in that area.

City Development Survey :

Option A: Shopping Complex: This shopping mall would include restaurants, a large supermarket, and a movie theatre.
Option B: Recreational Park: This park would include a sports complex, a large green area, and a small petting zoo.

I believe a Recreational park which includes a sports complex, a large green area, and a small petting zoo will a great addition to the neighbourhood. Children can run around the parks, people can walk their dogs and adults that live around the area can meet each other in the parks. it is a way for the community to get closer and creates a lot of activities for the members of the community. These infrastructures will create jobs for people as people can work in sports companies and a petting zoo. The number of visitors coming into the community would also increase. Visitors will come in to watch games in the sports complex or have a family visit to the zoo. As a result of this, the community can earn more income in the form of tax and tourism and use that to develop and build more infrastructures. As a small community, it's important to develop a town in a way that is beneficial to the community.

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