Writing Task 1: Writing an Email

Read the following information.

You recently made an online purchase and the product was not the same as the description on the website.

Write an email to the website support department in about 150-200 words. Your email should do the following things:

  • What you purchased and when.
  • Exactly how it is different from the website description.
  • How you would like the company to fix the problem.

Dear Lenovo, I am writing this email regarding the product which I have purchased last week, using your online services. I bought a pair of black shoes on 28-May. I have chosen them from the amazon basics department which was giving a good discount. As per the description, mentioned on the website the shoes should come with two color of laces - black and brown. But when I received the item, I got only one set of laces which was black in color. In order to resolve the issue, I would like you to mail me a pair of brown laces as earliest or I can just return the entire package so you can refund in full. I am a regular and happy customer of Amazon's online services so I am looking for the resolution as soon as possible to keep my faith in your services.